Banco Montepio in the World

A portuguese bank that speaks our language.

Banco Montepio has 5 Representative Offices located in Germany, France, Switzerland, Canada, and the United States with the aim of supporting and accompanying clients living abroad and promoting Banco Montepio’s products and services. If you are not yet our client, we are also available to help. **


How can we assist?

We highlight the main products and services that may be of interest to those who wish to manage their finances through Banco Montepio. However, if you don’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be happy to assist.

+Consigo Solution

An account that guarantees the essentials, with lower costs.

With a single monthly account package commission - starting at €2.60 (stamp duty included) - it gives you access to the main products and services, making your daily financial management easier.

The first month is always free.

Now it's up to you.


The cards we swipe.

In debit, credit, or prepaid format. In your wallet or on your smartphone.


Used for payments and withdrawals in Portugal, at any ATM, and abroad.

Saving is a classic.

Get to know some of our term deposits, which allow you to save with a defined remuneration and term from the start, without capital risk.

Poupança Aforro 3 Meses

Ideal for short-term savings. Available through Montepio24 and branches.


  • Term: 3 months
  • Renewable: Yes
  • Min. deposit: €2,500
  • Max. deposit: €500,000
  • Reinforcements: No
  • Early withdrawal: Yes
  • TANB: 3,500%
Poupança Aforro 6 Meses

Ideal for short-term savings. Available through Montepio24 and branches.


  • Term: 6 months
  • Renewable: Yes
  • Min. deposit: 2.500€
  • Max. deposit: 500.000€
  • Reinforcements: No
  • Early withdrawal: Yes
  • TANB: 3,250%
Poupança Especial em Moeda Estrangeira *
  • Currency: US Dollar (USD)
  • Terms: 93 days; 185 days; 276 days; and 365 days
  • Renewable: No
  • Min. deposit: 500USD
  • Max. deposit: Not applicable
  • Reinforcements: No
  • Early withdrawal: Yes
  • TANB max**: 4.500%
  • Subscription: Branch


* Also available in: AUD, CAD, GBP, and NOK.

** TANB varies according to the chosen term.


We lowered the fixed rate and returned the spread. And not only that.

Request a loan for purchase, transfer, construction or works, with a fixed rate in the first 2 years of the contract, where we return the value of the spread of each monthly installment during this period. From the 3rd year, the rate becomes variable.


Fixed rate of 2.90% for 2 years, with Spread refund. Spread from 0.80% * and TAN from 3.700% | APR from 5.4% (1) to 5.8% (2)

Service Montepio24

The pillar of the relationship.

In web or app format, it is through Montepio24 that you can access your account online and manage your entire financial day-to-day. If you have not yet joined the service, join now online. In Net24 - Web, in the “Foreign” ("Estrangeiro") menu, you can also:

  • International Transfers (Transferências Internacionais)
  • Transfer between Banco Montepio Accounts (Transferir entre Contas do Banco Montepio)
  • Reserve Currency (Reservar Moeda)
  • Consult Exchange Rates (Consultar as Taxas de Câmbio)
Newark - USA

Address: 143 Ferry Street NJ 07105-2114 United States of America


Hours: From Mon. to Fri.: 09:30 - 12:30 | 13:30 - 16:00 & Sat.: 9:00 - 12:00


Telephone: (+1) 973 589 0540



Request contact
Genève - Switzerland

Address: Rue Terreaux du Temple 9 1211 Genève 1 Switzerland


Hours: From Mon. to Fri.: 9:00 - 18:00


Telephone: (+41) 227 315 800



Request contact
Toronto - Canada

Address: 1286 Dundas Street West M6J 1X7 Toronto - Ontário Canada


Hours: From Tue. to Wed.: 9:00 - 16:00, Thu.: 9:00 - 17:00, Fri.: 9:00 - 18:00 e Sat.: 9:00 - 12:30


Telephone: 1-888-633-1570 | (+14) 165 887 776



Request contact
Paris - France

Address: Rue Notre Dame des Victoires 32 75002 Paris France


Hours: From Tue. to Fri.: 9:00 - 13:00 | 14:30 - 17:30 & Sat.: 9:00 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 16:00


Telephone: (+33) 140 260 641



Request contact
Frankfurt - Germany

Address: Schafergasse 17 – 5º 60313 Frankfurt Germany


Hours: Mon., Wed. & Fri.: 8:30 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 16:30 / Tue.: 8:30 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 17:30 / Thu.: 8:30 - 13:00 | 14:00 - 18:00


Telephone: (+49) 699 139 4716



Request contact

Representative example of mixed rate

(1) APR of 5,2%, considering the optional subscription of products/services*, for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 3.700% during the 2-year fixed rate period (fixed rate of 2.900%, value of July 2024, plus a spread of 0.80%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 4,515%, resulting from the added spread of 0.80%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of July 2024 (3,715% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €460,28 and 336 monthly installments of €505,02. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €195.225,11.


(2) EAR of 5,6% for a funding example with a Fixed Nominal Annual Rate (TAN) of 4,100% during the 2-year fixed rate period (2,900% fixed rate, July 2024 value, plus 1 .20%). In the remaining period, the Variable TAN is 4,915%, resulting from the addition of the spread of 1.20%, to the Euribor index for the 6 months of July 2024 (3,715% - average of the daily Euribor 6-month quotations of the previous month, on a 360-day basis rounded to the nearest thousandth) - 24 monthly installments of €483,20 and 336 monthly installments of €529,10. The Total Amount Attributed to the Consumer is €204.034,15.


Funding examples of €100,000.00, for 30 years, for 2 joint account holders for a 30-year period, and funding/guarantee ratio of 80%, intended for the acquisition of permanent housing. Commissions and Expenses at the beginning of the term: €2,419.89; Commissions during the term (monthly): €5.41 commission for maintaining a Current Account Deposit; (annual): €18.20 commission for providing the Debit Card; Insurance premiums: Multi-risk (annual): €78.60; Life Insurance (average monthly value): €20,51.


* These values assume an optional subscription to four of the following products/services: Salary Account; Credit Card with minimum use of €500/semester (maximum EAR of 18,6%) (1); PPCH Life Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Vida Seguros) (2); Housing Coverage Insurance (subscribed with Lusitania Seguros) (2); Protection Insurance (subscribed to Lusitania Seguros and/or Lusitania Vida Seguros): vehicle, accident or health (2); Member of Montepio Mutualist Association.


** The provision of Services by the Representation Offices depends on the legal constraints of the country where they are established.

Not a customer yet?

Join Banco Montepio.

Open your account online or visit one of our branches.